Carry me

Have you ever needed someone to help carry your burdens? The Bible says to ‘Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ’ (Galatians 6:2, NKJV). This is a heavy load requiring more than our own resources, our own strength and our own wits. I presently need someone to help carry me, carry my cares, you know those cares, and anxieties that we all walk with like luggage? The Skit guys have a video about carrying luggage, more luggage than we are designed to walk with, and how it can burden us and hinder us from moving forward. I have embedded the video for you, it is 10minutes and 24 seconds long but stay with it.

1 Peter 5:7 - Casting all your care (anxieties) upon Him, for He cares for you (NKJV).

Sure, I can walk with a lot of baggage, but the question is - am I supposed to, or am I designed to? God did not create us to carry burdens and weights alone - He died to take those from you so you can be free!

Look I understand we experience tragic stuff, I am still recovering from my own ‘stuff’ but the beauty of it is - God is present to help us walk out of the ashes of our past trauma and into a marvelous future of hope and healing. I truly and desperately believe this, I believe He has the perfect plan for you, and for me! I have seen it with my own eyes and in my own life, I have read about this in His word (the Bible), I have had other people testify to it, and to me about the miraculous plan and time of the Lord over our stuff! He is faithful, and when you start to doubt His presence or His faithfulness -

“Stop it!” as Bob Newhart is famously known for saying! Look the Bible says that our thoughts are wickedly deceitful above all else (see Jeremiah 17:9) so when we feel alone, and discouraged, please hear me, and know this truth - God is an ever present help in time of need (see Psalm 46:1), in fact the very beginning of that verse says He is our refuge and strength! Let Him carry you, allow Him to be your strength and refuge from the storms of trauma, and the intrusive nature of the past.

We are resilient, but must allow help and hope to come alongside of us to help carry a burden we cannot walk with, nor were we intended to walk with it. I want to encourage you to turn to the Lord Jesus as you face those struggles. I am writing this at ZERO-DARK O’CLOCK doing that very thing -

Lord, take my heavy thoughts, carry me, help me understand Your plan and purpose in this moment, and that I would not see with my physical, fleshly eyes, but you would give me the βλέπω (Blep’-o), the ability to see physically, with spiritual results, to see into the non-physical realm to take action, to be alert and respond to the circumstances I am walking in. Lord, I trust you, and know that even now You are working all things together for my good (see Romans 8:28). I place my hope, trust, and full confidence in You alone.

I will leave you with the song “Carry Me” by Seventh Day Slumber.

You are not alone.


When being alone is good.


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