I Don’t Know about You…
I don’t know about what you have experienced, what you have gone through, what you are currently going through, or what is ahead for you to still go through. I have heard it said there are three types of people in the world, ‘Those who just got out of a crisis, those who are in a crisis now, and those who are about to enter into one.’
How uplifting is that thought? I believe that life has beauty, joy, excitement, opportunities, and so-forth, and yet it feels like we often wait until we are older or when something substantially challenging forces us to look inwardly and reassess things in our own walk. Does this sound familiar or is it just me?
I don’t know about you, but I want to live my life to the fullest plan that God has called and invited me into! What about you? Don’t allow the PTSD or other painful and unpredictable moments take that away.
Ok, so easy right? Nope. What are some steps we can all take? Setting small attainable goals in life can make the difference between succeeding or not succeeding. Notice I am not saying failing here? We don’t necessarily fail at something unless we just plainly don’t try to do something.
If you and I set small actionable steps toward healing, toward food intake, how much sleep we get, limiting our intake of electronics and so-forth, we are more prepared to succeed, and not only that - studies show we are more apt to succeed since we have made goals. What goals have you set? Have you put those in writing or do you have someone else coming alongside of you to help encourage you and lift you up? If either of these two things are present (written plan / others for accountability and encouragement) then you are well on your way to achieving those goals!
Try it, take time to write down some purposeful areas of your life where you struggle and want victory. I will give you one of mine:
I want to lose weight
Now that it is written, how can we action this step?
I plan on losing 15 pounds by March 20, 2021.
I will set my calorie count and track my intake.
I will walk more throughout the week.
So, this is part of a plan for myself on a weight loss journey. I have concluded the journey into healing for PTSD is linked (at least for me) to the foods I eat, and the additional weight I may carry around since the stressors I hold onto often find themselves going to my waist. Know what I mean?
So? What purposeful plans are you thinking about in your own life which may lend to hope and healing in your walk? Although it may sound silly, write them down, learn daily how to operate within them, and if you don’t meet the goals, it is alright, it is okay to reevaluate your goals, tweak them a bit. Don’t write them off, you are worth investing in, so let’s do this together, and see how things go.
Make a goal, write it down and let the journey begin!
Be blessed.