Complicated Trauma
We have all experienced pain - all-to frequently, and at times this is brought back to the very front of our minds from current events, such as the continuation of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine which really began in 2014, and now in recent days on February 22, 2022, as bombs and missiles exploded in Kyiv, and areas of the eastern Donetsk region.
Perhaps you are impacted as well? If you are struggling now in the aftermath of these attacks, reach out to someone for help, don’t walk alone. I understand the reluctance in seeing a counselor or even just talking about trauma, it can carry stigma disgrace, and shame (although there is no reason to be ashamed). Talking about such pain can also bring healing, wholeness, cleansing, and peace through the turmoil.
Let’s talk about it -
I desperately believe from first-hand exposure and experiences - that to talk about trauma requires a strength that many don’t understand. When we talk about it, another - perhaps unexpected area of growth can take place - this is called understanding and it is not merely for you but for those who listen to you.
There is a new framing taking place in the minds of those who listen to the narrative (to your story), and they can glean a sense of empathic understanding which they may not have gained if you had kept silent. So, you can begin the healing process, and they can begin to place themselves in your proverbial shoes and begin seeing where you have walked.
If we are to heal, and grow - we must talk through our trauma, our suffering and our struggles. It is uncomfortable, uneasy, disruptive at times, and yet in it there is an expectation for hope to prevail!
In her book, ‘Rising Strong’ Brown, PhD, says -
“The truth is that falling down hurts. The dare is to keep being brave and feel your way back up” (Brown, PhD, Rising Strong, How the Ability to Reset Transforms the Way we Live, Love, Parent, and Lead, 2017, Random House, NY, xxviii).
Trauma has a way of knocking us down, yet we are resilient - you are resilient (make this personal) You are resilient, you are strong, you can get up. Sometimes we need others to help us get up, help strengthen us, help us keep pressing on.
Perhaps this is one of those times? Reach out - be strengthened.
This is not my image, it belongs to T.A.P.S.