Iron sharpens iron - creating sparks
Proverbs 27:17 says, “As iron sharpens iron,
So a man sharpens the countenance of his friend” (NKJV). I agree with this very strongly, and would state how we definitely need to have fellowship, or rather a battle-buddy, an accountability partner, someone to walk close to us and hold us up, and push us forward.
Having said this, someone recently brought up the harder contemplation of this particular verse. Have you ever thought -as someone sharpens iron, or heats iron in a forge, that sparks fly?
Sparks are an indicator of conflict, of an opposing force coming alongside to bring the edge to its sharpest quality possible. Does that make sense? Does that hit home? Wow, it does for me. I want accountability in my life over my “stuff”, yet how willing am I to allow the sparks to fly? How often has my accountability partner called me out on an action, or a harsh spoken word, and yet I dismiss it, or am immediately on the defense over it? It happens, not only to me, but I am willing to bet that this happens to you, perhaps even now as you read this it causes a certain emotion to arise in you?
Sparks will fly, but the sharpening process is purposeful! It is designed with intentionality to allow conflict to be resolved.
The sparks (for me) indicate an opposition to something, and a refining of something at the same time. the opposition to the things of the world, where the enemy of my soul dwells, and the refining process to bring imperfections out to the surface to be taken away.
Sparks fly because the forge is designed to bring strength into the steel.
Sparks fly because the two-forces are extreme.
Let’s face it, there are times in our life when the forces are extreme, they are also painful, however, the process is designed to strengthen our character, our qualities, our maturity, physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
The one who forges and folds the steel several-hundred times is doing so to cause the material to be strong, formidable, useable.
Katana in the hands of Master
You are forged in fire, sparks fly, trauma happens - but think about it: God has designed you, He is the Master forger, He is the One who is helping you to grow, to be strengthened - to be useable for His purpose and glory!
You are in the Hands of the Master, He formed you and created you, therefore He knows you better than you know yourself! Once we fully surrender to His good pleasure and purpose - we can truly be used in His Hands!
The expression in Proverbs 27:17 talks about the countenance of another, meaning the surface, in this context, and what it speaks to is having our surface sharpened. Why?
It is the surface of the blade that needs to be strengthened and sharpened to be used.
It is the surface of the soul of mankind which must be sharpened on the surface above and the Spiritual surface. We are more than skin deep, and the surface of mankind needs constant refining, strengthening, growth. How cool is our God?
I have PTSD, I know a bit about trauma, however, I know a bit about my faithful God! He who has begun a good work within me (and in those who claim His name) is faithful, and He will finish the work He began in me (see Philippians 1:6). I am not finished yet! I am complete in the Lord, yet not completed while here. He is still working on and in me.
If you know Jesus as your Lord and only Savior - the Way, the Truth and the Life (see John 14:6), then you are also not finished yet, you are being perfected and strengthened in His timing and through His grace!
Let the sparks fly!
When the steel or iron begins, it is a lump of material, without any real pretty shape, yet in the Hands of the Master forger, we are refined, and go through hits here and there which are purposeful to develop our character into more Christ-likeness - if we allow it. The process may not be pleasant - but it is sharpening you into His handiwork! He has a good purpose for you as you move toward His plan!
If you don’t know Jesus, and have been walking through the trauma, and in this life without His presence over you and dwelling in you, I invite you and implore you to come into His very presence. The word of God says “All who call upon the Name of the Lord will be saved (see Romans 10:13). Jesus died for the sin of the world, so you would not have to die in your own sin! If you have questions about a living relationship with Him, please comment or email. He is not willing that any should perish (2 Peter 3:9) but that all repent (turn away from their sins and turn to Him for eternal life).
What do you think?
Blessings to you,