Do you want to be made well?

Do you want to be healed? Do you want to be made well? At some point in my life, I said yes to the Lord, much like the Pastor in the video below. I said yes to the Lord about what His will for my life would look like, I told the Lord if He wanted to heal me, I would love Him, if He chose to never heal me, I would love Him. I wanted what He wanted for my life whether it was to walk in the grace He bestows, without healing, or through healing walk in the grace He bestows. Either way, I was going to be alright. He chose to heal me of that infirmity, and not some others. I am still walking with Him and He with me. I still struggle from time to time with thoughts, or sleeplessness, but He has never changed or forsaken me. I am able to walk daily in His presence.

The video is not mine, I don’t own the rights to it, however I ask that you watch it, and consider what he says. at the 1:54 mark pay attention and ask yourself is there any truth to what is being offered? Can you be healed, transformed?

Do you want to be made whole, completely whole? Do you want to?

I encourage you to read John 5:1-8, and pray about this truth being offered to you. Below are merely a few of the verses for you to see and meditate on.

 When Jesus saw him lying there, and knew that he already had been in that condition a long time, He said to him, “Do you want to be made well?”

The sick man answered Him, “Sir, I have no man to put me into the pool when the water is stirred up; but while I am coming, another steps down before me.”

Jesus said to him, “Rise, take up your bed and walk.” And immediately the man was made well, took up his bed, and walked.

Be blessed along the journey. I will share another video soon, with my story. I hope to see you all on August 21, 2021 for a group meeting with special guest, and Vietnam veteran Bob Curtis as he shares his story and struggle with such a difficult subject.



Learn to be Present


Present in His presence.