Flat affect
Ever been there? More than a feeling of being bleh, but a feeling of - well, not really feeling much actually - just flat, just there, but not being there. A feeling that is utterly exhausting even though to outside people it may appear as if you are not doing anything - in reality you are struggling deeply with life, and how to move forward, and it is excruciating and exhausting mentally, emotionally, spiritually, physically… Do you know what I mean?
If you are feeling this way - please go to the resources here under the ‘ABOUT’ section, and find help, talk to someone you trust - someone who will be honest with you about what they observe - don’t try to walk alone. Look I know that this is easy to say - not easy to do and yet it is crucial to understand that we are designed for relationship and not to walk alone through the pain.
When we are flat in our affect, we are in danger of falling further down a spiral of despair which can bring us into darker places and the cycle continues. A flat affect is characterized by some of the following:
symptom of another disorder such as -
psychiatric disorder or other medical condition
traumatic brain injury
depression or depressive tendencies
dissociation because of trauma or other conditions
other medical stuff not mentioned here (lack of sleep can be a contributing factor)
A flat affect or a lack of reaction to stimuli is not a lack of emotion or emotional intelligence, but can be unexpressed emotions, and the inability to express those emotions. Is this making sense?
So? How do we press into this flat affect? What are ways to help as we may find ourselves in that position from time-to-time - and perhaps even now?
hydrate. No seriously drink water. Often we drink caffeine to stay alert, awake, and to help us “maintain” and yet what we need is a life sustaining and replenishing drink or two- of water! We often underestimate the benefits of water. Jesus offers us living water, He says this -”…but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life” (John 4:14, NKJV). Drink water, consume it as if your life - or at least in this instance your flat affect depend on it.
exercise. I am not talking about running a marathon tomorrow, but if that is your thing go for it. I am simply stating that moving your body for 20-minutes is a super way to stimulate the brain, and the body which may help to actually allow good sleep, true rest in the brain, soul, mind- Oh and physically. Take a nice walk, do it alone or with the family, jog, do push-ups, ride a bike, or figure out what works for you - and if it is a healthy coping mechanism - go for it. Do you like to sew? Then sew like the wind, do you draw and enjoy art - PAINT away. Horses your thing? Gallop away…
Seek a medical opinion. Maybe the flat affect is seasonal, like if you live in Maine it could be cold or warm and then warm and cold. Weather and seasonal changes can deeply impact and intrude into our health and spiritual walk. Seriously! Have a medical professional offer an opinion, give additional guidance and options.
Sleep. Don’t have the additional cup of coffee today, grab water instead and learn to sleep. Sleep is not something that we just do.. Okay, sure it happens when our bodies or brains are tired, and we sleep. Sometimes we get great sleep, sometimes we can sleep for hours and hours and wake up exhausted, fatigued, in a fog, and needing a nap. You know what I speak of. So? How do we truly sleep? We need to learn to breathe, box breathing, tactical breathing, a meditative breathing- breathe in for four seconds, hold it for four seconds, breathe out for four seconds, and hold that four seconds. REPEAT.
Eat healthy. Green stuff like spinach, broccoli, and other greens have folate and vitamin B which can help with heart health. Drink more water (already said, I know). Don’t grab a dessert, go for a strawberry or apple, or if you have a dessert - limit the amount and size. It is alright to eat a sugar and chocolate dessert every so often, but your body wants other things to bring health into it, and not cause those sugar crashes of being awake, and then struggling to keep your eyes open… We have all been there. Healthy eating- Yeah, I struggle it is a real thing, but I know that I always feel better eating healthy.
Breathing: This is critical, and we need to learn how to do it. When we breathe on purpose it changes our heart rate, it changes our mind-process, it helps us focus in the here and now. I also suggest closing your eyes and breathing. Allow yourself to be present, don’t be distracted by the “stuff” that needs to be done.. focus and breathe. Take it all in, one thing at a time. We have the very breath of the Living God breathed into us (see Genesis 2:7). We are living creations with the breath of our Creator God in us. Oh, He rested on the seventh day, perhaps we need to learn how to do that also, God didn’t need to rest - we definitely do. Take rest. Do it!
What are some good healthy habits that you have used in the past to help in the flat affect of your own walk? Were those healthy and helpful? Are you still walking in them today? If not - how come? Do you trust in the Lord to help you move from Point A to Point B? Allow Him to move with you through the process, and ask Him for the hope of healing. He is still the Greatest physician you will ever know and find. Trust me.
I know this is a long post, but read it, trust in the Lord. seek Him, while He may be found (Isaiah 55:6-13). He is a healer, and a very present help in time of need (Psalm 46:1-3).
Learn to trust in the Lord (Proverbs 3:5-6) over your life and those areas of your life that are still closed off - He wants to bring hope into those areas.
The cup in the picture is a decaf tea… just saying. This picture is not mine, and I don’t own the rights to it.