For He is Good

Recently I had the opportunity to talk with someone who is struggling with life issues. This person reminds me of me. I am not seeking to make this about me, since it is not, what I am trying to do is bring glory to God, and make sense of life issues, and the only thing I have found that is able to do that, is not a thing, not a therapy, not an intervention or a policy change, or a concept, but God. He is good.

I have not found anything else in this world that makes me complete, and in my absolute brokenness, He alone is good. He has delivered me, and yet I often walk in my emptiness, because I fail to see His handiwork in my life, and when I look into a mirror I am still reminded of my inadequacies and don’t see beyond my wretchedness.

I want to let you in on something profound - if you will hear and accept it - God says I am enough, in my brokenness, my failings, my striving - He says to me that I am enough, just me, broken and beaten down - He is the One who sees me and knows me, and loves me just as I am. How do I know this? Because ‘God demonstrates His love in this, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us (for me)’ (Romans 5:8). He died for this wretched man while I was a sinner and unwilling to turn to Him. He gave Himself for me as I was giving myself to other idols. He takes good care of me, why? Because that is His nature - He is good, He is good alone, He is God and He defines who I am - I am beloved, I am His child. My worth is not based in what the world says, what my job is, my relationship status or financial position is.

My PTSD and depression have been covered in the love of my Savior Jesus Christ. I still have to walk the walk every day, and trust me today I have failed Him, I have allowed the world to infiltrate my senses and have taken my broken eyes off the beauty of the Living God. I am sorry Lord.

He forgives me and gives me grace to walk through the rest of this day. I am still broken and a hot mess, yet He offers me rest. He is Good. He is gracious and kind and loving. Thank you, Lord!

The individual I have spoken to recently, again - reminds me of me, struggling with things, not letting go of things that the Lord already has offered to take away. I am learning (still) to walk in His grace, to understand His timing, and to embrace His goodness.




Take the time