No one is exempt
No one is exempt. PTSD awareness month is June, but should be everyday. Be mindful.
In a February 19, 2021, interview with Chaplain Dan Odean who is the Correctional Ministries Representative for the General Council of the Assemblies of God. Dan stated “No one is exempt.” He is absolutely correct. Everyone will experience trauma, no one is exempt.
Although trauma is something we all will walk through at least once, but more realistically many, many times throughout our lifetimes, we will not all be diagnosed with PTSD. This has been said in other posts, yet for those who are diagnosed, there appear to be only two plans of treatment available.
According to under the treatment options, the first question asks, “At this point, what treatment most interests you?” It only provides two options, MEDICATION or PSYCHOTHERAPY. While these are certainly treatment options, they are limiting the individual to those treatment choices, thereby effectively tying their hands with those two considerations.
The same website also makes this statement:
“There are effective psychotherapies and medications for PTSD. Psychotherapies involve meeting with a provider to talk. Medications involve taking a pill at regular times each day.
No single option is right for everyone. Some people prefer to participate in a psychotherapy, and others prefer to take a medication. Or, some people decide to do both.”
Here they admit how NO SINGLE OPTION IS RIGHT FOR EVERYONE, yet they only suggest how people take one or the other, or perhaps both, they do not offer a psychospiritual or whole-person approach, and sadly that limits the ability to truly treat and heal the individual.
Perhaps the reason for this is, they don’t believe anyone with PTSD can be healed, and must be medicated only or have psychotherapeutic interventions coupled together with medications for treatment? Either way, let me share this truth - healing can happen, hope is available and real.
Dan Odean works within the Chaplaincy department, and represents the Correctional Chaplains who are endorsed and serve throughout the Country. He knows that the soul is who we really are, listen to his words, “The soul is really who we are. The body is a housing and the soul lives forever God is going to give us a new body, (Amen) your true identity is your soul[KF1] , He continues the thought here,
“…Every answer in life is found at Calvary’s cross where Jesus defeated the enemy and gives me new birth. I place my faith in that, it is not a complicated thing we overcomplicate it…”
Read some of that again -Every answer in life is found at Calvary’s cross where Jesus defeated the enemy and gives me (anyone who places their faith, hope, and trust in Jesus) new birth!
Every answer, don’t take my word for it, don’t take Dan’s word, read the Bible, pray, ask the Lord, ask Him for hope, ask Him for strength, mostly ask Him to save you, and redeem you, and make you whole. He is able to do all of those things, and abundantly more than you can ask for.
Sadly, people are seeking answers in areas where there are only falsehoods and lies. The enemy is still seeking whom he may devour, and it is through deceptive words designed to bring false hopes and false securities, not only in the area of healing, but in all areas of this world.
In 2 Timothy 4:3-4 says this, “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables” (NKJV).
Have we turned aside from listening to the truth, and fallen into fables or things that tickle our ears? We need to hear the truth, so it can set us free, or more to the point, so He (Jesus) can set us free (see John 8:32).
No one is exempt from going through hardships, struggles, or trauma, but Jesus is still unmoving, unchanging, and able to bring you healing.
Walk safely as we continue the road to healing and hope.
Blessings to you my friends
[KF1]Our soul is who we are, our body is a housing, the soul lives forever. (Dana says we are not a body with a soul, we are a soul with a body).