You are Capable

“Who do you believe yourself to be? It’s a strange question, right? But trying to answer it honestly tells a person so much about themselves. When I was sick, back in the days of flip phones, I put a banner message on my home screen so that I saw it every time I opened the phone. It said,


At the time, I was not capable. I was not capable of holding down a job. I was not capable of taking care of a baby. I was not even capable of taking care of myself. But I needed to believe, despite all outward appearances and the circumstances in which I found myself, that I was capable at my very core, even if I was not capable right then. I needed to be reminded of it, all day long” (Egan, Kerry, On Living, 2016, p. 105).

Who do you believe yourself to be? Were you able to enter into the brief storyline that was offered here at the onset of this blog? What are you not capable of right now, that you must be reminded of that you are in fact capable of? Is it holding down a job? Taking care of a baby, or taking care of yourself? Perhaps you need to be reminded that you are capable of good things, even when you feel like you can’t do anything decent?

I am struggling today with believing that I am in fact capable of being a good husband, a kind person, and someone who is trustworthy. Sound familiar to anyone? Is it because I am caught in a depressive cycle or perhaps the enemy of my very soul is seeking to destroy me?

Not only are we capable, if perhaps not now - can you see the hope in this thought of being capable in the future? We need to be reminded, constantly of our worth, and this is not a pity issue, or a pride issue - we need to be reminded of our worth - NO MATTER WHAT OUR ISSUES ARE.

I need to be reminded as a Chaplain and Pastor that I have worth and am loved - even when I am unlovable. I need this reminder often! I live in a fallen and broken, messed up world and know that beauty exists, love is real, and people care. I know something even more than this - God is alive and moving still. He loves me and He loves you so much that He wants to remind you of your value and worth when you can’t see it for yourself.

How does He do this?

  1. The Bible says His mercies are new every day and His compassions never fail (Lamentations 3:22-24), and since He is the portion of our life (or should be) we can hope in Him, and trust in what He says about us.

  2. He gives us hope through other people who come alongside of us and help us carry heavy burdens in our times of desperation (Galatians 6:2).

  3. He speaks into us through His Holy Spirit (if we are open to hear from Him).

These are a couple of ways where the Lord helps us in our need to be reminded that we are capable, however I want to add this to the discussion, and welcome your thoughts.

We are capable, but not in our own strength, we are capable of things through His strength and mercy. We are capable because He made the way, we need to step into it, walk in the path, and stay connected to the vine which is Christ alone. We are capable because He says so.

I am broken and empty apart from Him, but in and through Him I am more than capable of living and living well.

How do you see yourself today? Who do you see yourself to be?

I have another question - Who do you belong to? Are you still part of the past, the broken stuff that brought you to where you are now? Are you still listening to the lies of the past and the enemy? Those lies that say you are not capable, not worthy?

Listen to the voice of the One calling you out of sin and shame - the voice of the One who died on the cross for you to give you hope and a future. Jesus is calling to you and asking you the question, “Whose are you?”

If you have not trusted in Jesus to be your Lord and Savior, listen to the words in Romans 10:13 - “For whoever calls upon the name of the Lord will be saved” I believe this, but I also know that once you are saved - all the stuff doesn’t go away in an instant, the PTSD or depression or bad relationships - they may remain, we need to choose to walk close to Jesus to help us walk through that stuff, to know we are capable in and through Him is or should be enough.

I am walking through such a time. I am being reminded that He is enough, when the music fades - and all is stripped away - He is more than enough. I am trusting that and knowing that through Him, I am capable of overcoming things that are presently binding me and holding me down. I am (According to Romans 8:37) more than a conqueror through Jesus since He loves me.

I pray that this has encouraged you. I ask that you pray for me as I walk through a dark time.

We are capable.


Life Just won’t let up

