
“As soon as Solomon finished praying and making these requests to the Lord, he got up from before the Lord’s altar, where he had been kneeling with his hands spread out to heaven.” 1 Kings 8:54 CEB

This devotional is not mine, it is taken from CH (BG) Charles “Ray” Bailey, U.S. Army Retired. I needed the reminder today about balance, and reflecting on my life. Perhaps you do as well?

It’s a scorching mid-August day. The heat blazes, humidity clings and sweat bleeds as we run and march, endure excruciating push-ups and parachute landing falls. You know the drill. We’re black and blue. There are no breaks. Attrition is high as student after student fails, or falls out; our class steadily dwindles. Morale sinks. We doubt it’s worth it. Will we ever make it through? It’s a tough training day at airborne school, Fort Benning, Georgia.

The “black hat” NCO instructor abruptly stops the training, telling all of us to gather under a shade tree. In a strong voice, he barks, “Take a knee!” We’re shocked, but relieved, to stop for any reason. We wonder about the lecture and how we had messed up. Instead, the instructor looks into our faces and begins to ask how we are doing. He asks about our families. Have we called them? Did we write? He asks if we have been getting enough rest. Have we eaten properly to keep up our strength? He picks out several Soldiers and individually asks if we have been taking care of our feet. Do we have any blisters? When was the last time we spoke to our sweetheart? And, do we think we can go on?

The shock of such questions is replaced by a strong feeling of being cared for and believed in. We take a deep breath, a sigh of relief, and begin looking deep inside, reflecting on why we’re here and what we’re doing.

Staring into the sea of faces, he abruptly switches topics, inquiring I it’s now worth it and do we have the courage and faith to go on. With a resounding unified voice, we affirm our willingness to persevere. As a smile slowly forms, he then says he believes we can, but we have to keep our life in balance and take care of ourselves.

I remember that days so vividly, and its memory is now woven into another aspect of how I should keep my life balanced, strong, and ready to serve. Our Creator has given each of us unbelievable capabilities and a lion’s heart to go forward. But, constant times come to “take a knee,” in personal reflection, and prayer, to see what the instructor wants us to do. We need to stop, reflect, ask, and readjust our lives to meet life’s challenges, especially as we follow and take orders from our Master.

Today, take a knee. Honestly reflect and assess your life. Are you going the right way? Listen to God, who cares deeply about you as you are asked about your soul. Take a knee of faith.

OUR PRAYER: Master, I get so busy make life complicated. You step in and remind me that life is a gift and is full of simple joys in service to others. Help me to be humble enough to change what needs to be changed. Remind me that it is not too hard. Amen.

That ends the devotional thoughts of CH (BG) Charles “Ray” Bailey, and now some thoughts of my own for today October 6, 2022.

1. Do we think we can go on?

This is an important question, which must be asked in genuineness and sincerity with the heart that seeks after the Lord – hands lifted up much like Solomon in 1 Kings 8:54. Question – When was the last time we (I include myself first in this) inquired of the Lord, with our hands outstretched and our hearts still and quiet before Him in reflection and adoration? It may sound like an odd question, but it is a place where we will be able to hear from Him, outside of the hustle and bustle of the busyness and hectic-chaotic nature of the world. When was the last time we were stilled in His presence, and genuinely asked Him to give us the strength and courage to go on?

The other side of this first point, is not merely “Do we think we can go on?” but it is found in this question, “Am I supposed to go on, and am I supposed to continue this course of action and trajectory? Is this what you want me to do O Lord? Sometimes, we just keep moving forward because it is what the world expects, or our own stubbornness says we should be doing, when in reality it is not of the Lord, it is of our own making. I am asking myself today, “Lord, am I supposed to be doing this, and if I am not, please give me the courage to step away from it.”

2. Keep our life in balance, and take care of ourselves.

This is a good self-care discussion. As a Chaplain and Pastor, and frankly just as a person, I am horrible at this. I have such great anxiety, and depressive tendencies, and part of it is, well just life itself since life is difficult. I am learning to praise the Lord in the mundane, and hard, and joyous things, and yet I still struggle. The Bible says, “The joy of the Lord is my strength” (Nehemiah 8:10). Is it though? Am I filled with joy in His presence, and if so, why are these anxieties present? My life is out of balance, and I can feel the anxiousness welling up in me as I type this out. I am out of balance, trying to breathe deeply and refocus – Am I supposed to move forward on this track? Work, more work, and then work, where is the balance, where is the care?

Self-care, although not directly mentioned in the Bible, is a thing my friends, are you out of focus? Are you out of balance and chasing things that the world offers but never taking time to experience the joy of the Lord? I am stuck in a pattern of a guinea pig wheel of lack of balance most of the time, and need to slow down, take time to breathe on purpose, and find balance with the things of the Lord, and not the things of the world.

Are you taking care of yourself? Am I? What is stopping us from truly waiting on the Lord, getting rid of anxieties and earthly pressures? What is hindering us in that area? Trust the Lord – seek Him diligently, be in His presence, take time to breathe, and refocus on the things He wants from you. I am talking to me.

3. Constant times come to “take a knee,” in personal reflection, and prayer, to see what the instructor wants us to do. We need to stop, reflect, ask, and readjust our lives to meet life’s challenges, especially as we follow and take orders from our Master.

This is vital, critical and absolutely necessary in our life if we are to be at peace in His presence and not be overwhelmed. There are constant times where we must take that knee and reflect, pray, ask and see what the Instructor wants us to do, and then do those things.

We must readjust our life and take orders from the Living God.

I need the Lord so much more right now, I am struggling to focus, and realign myself. I am out of balance, and it is a critical moment for each of us in these days to be about the workings of our Father in heaven, and not be consumed with the worldly affairs of keeping up appearances.

Lord, am I supposed to stay where I am, or move, what am I supposed to do, how do you want me to walk? I want to be close to your heart and do the things you ask of me. I am so anxious, take away my anxious thoughts and fill me with the Joy that is my strength – which is found only in you. Amen.


You are Capable

